432 Hz, myth or reality? up to you !

432 Hz, music as it should be heard… and to validate this theory, I need your opinion now.

It will take you just 2 minutes, and your feedback will confirm what, for the moment, is only one theory among others.

If you are reading this article, music, and in particular music for healing and well-being, are familiar topics to you.
And you must have heard, during wellness seminars, or you have read on the internet, that the frequency at which music “should” be listened to is the famous 432 Hz.

What are we talking about with this A at 432 Hz?

Basically, it is simply a question of tuning all the instruments of an orchestra to the same reference frequency… a minimum to avoid cacophony. So a piano that plays an A while the violins also play an A should be harmonious. We therefore tune the piano and the violin with a tuning fork which gives the A at 440 vibrations per second.

Who says standard, says subjectivity of the standard, it is quite natural. But once adopted, it should be settled.

Yes…and no… And in particular in the very creative world of music and wellness techniques.
In this particular universe, some have decided: 440 Hz is EVIL, and 432 Hz is GOOD. I’m just exaggerating, you’ll see…

And to lend to recordings made with an A at 432 Hz unsuspected benefits: in connection with the solar spectrum, making DNA resonate with the spiral pattern of Nature, unifying matter, energy, time and space …and many more !

So now what do we do?

Well, as with each theory encountered, we experiment, we test objectively and on a large sample (that’s you!). And we keep an open mind, attentive….and in the end we validate, or not. It is indeed possible that a good part of the supporters of the theory are self-convinced of the benefits. It’s the placebo effect.

The small protocol in which I propose you to participate:

I recorded the same track, both in 432Hz and 440Hz tuning.
So below you have an A sound and a B sound. I’m not telling you which is which.

You listen quietly to the two titles (they only last a minute). You listen to your bodily sensations, mental images and even your spiritual feelings if you wish. What is each title doing in your body. Do you feel a difference, or not at all? Feel what emotions go through you in one case, and in the other.

And finally, vote for sound A or sound B depending on which one you prefer, which “speaks” to you the most. And if you are not sensitive to these reference frequency changes, you vote C 😉

Sound A:


Sound B:


After listening to both extracts, which version do you prefer?

I’m leaving the votes open for a while, and then I’ll let you know which excerpt is tuned to A 432 Hz. And if it’s the version that won the most votes, that means yes, that frequency can be called “beneficial”. And if not, together we will have shed light on this case 🙂